Edición de «Careful»

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It was 1989 and three friends and I were at the Spook parking after spending countless hours raving at the club, we fall asleep inside the car and we woke up 4 hours later just to find out a grey sky and the parking completely abandoned, however we were still listening to music blasting outside the club who should be closed by then. All of a sudden, we saw [https://oscuro.hangar.org/index.php/Girl a girl] completely dressed in white coming out of the cane fields, she could barely walk and headed directly to my car, when she finally reached the window, she looked at me with those pale eyes (I swear she didn’t have iris nor pupils) terrified we rushed from the parking honking like crazy . Later that day I told my older brother the incident and he replied, ’Beware of the Spook vampires’
It was 1989 and three friends and I were at the Spook parking after spending countless hours raving at the club, we fall asleep inside the car and we woke up 4 hours later just to find out a grey sky and the parking completely abandoned, however we were still listening to music blasting outside the club who should be closed by then. All of a sudden, we saw a girl completely dressed in white coming out of the cane fields, she could barely walk and headed directly to my car, when she finally reached the window, she looked at me with those pale eyes (I swear she didn’t have iris nor pupils) terrified we rushed from the parking honking like crazy . Later that day I told my older brother the incident and he replied, ’Beware of the Spook vampires’

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