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It's this impossible yearning for eternal love ❤️💕 💖 💘 🧡 💓 💗 💙 💛 💝 💜 💚 🖤 💞 Why do I desire this impossibility, this suffering. I think you must be doomed to fall in love forever. Or to be in love for all eternity. It is nothing more than a heartbreak literally waiting to happen, for ever. Over and over and over again. [https://oscuro.hangar.org/index.php/%F0%9F%92%94 💔💔💔🔗]You are on the edge of the cliff, always, and you can fall and still die. I do not grasp what is eternal. It can only be a loop of same mistakes, good or bad choices, fate is [https://oscuro.hangar.org/index.php/Vervain 🔒]
It's this impossible yearning for eternal love ❤️💕 💖 💘 🧡 💓 💗 💙 💛 💝 💜 💚 🖤 💞 Why do I desire this impossibility, this suffering. I think you must be doomed to fall in love forever. Or to be in love for all eternity. It is nothing more than a heartbreak literally waiting to happen, for ever. Over and over and over again. [https://oscuro.hangar.org/index.php/%F0%9F%92%94 💔💔💔🔗]You are on the edge of the cliff, always, and you can fall and still die. I do not grasp what is eternal. It can only be a loop of same mistakes, good or bad choices, fate is 🔒

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