Edición de «Vervain»

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''Vervain was a favoured herb of the druids and used in magic rituals. It was thought to protect the bearer against witches’ spells and to ward off the Evil Eye. Placing vervain on a small cut on the hand was believed to bestow the ability to open [https://oscuro.hangar.org/index.php/Devil%27s_door locked and bolted doors] once the hand had fully healed.'' [https://oscuro.hangar.org/index.php/The_devil_in_the_door 🚪]
''Vervain was a favoured herb of the druids and used in magic rituals. It was thought to protect the bearer against witches’ spells and to ward off the Evil Eye. Placing vervain on a small cut on the hand was believed to bestow the ability to open locked and bolted doors once the hand had fully healed.''
Go back [https://oscuro.hangar.org/index.php/Blood_lines_and_Time_Circles:_temptations_for_a_Vampire_Radionovela here.]

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